XFE Products

XFE Products, located in West Des Moines, Iowa, is one of several marketing divisions of XF Enterprises. The goods and services XFE Products brings to the market are backed by a team of professionals with many years of experience in animal agriculture. Expertise in animal nutrition, animal health and animal husbandry are the disciplines that add value to our offering of carefully selected products.
XFE Products Division identifies unique feed ingredients worldwide that bring cost savings to the producer, improved animal performance or both. The products provided to the animal industry are based on science and are designed to bring value to the livestock producer. Our list of specific products is extensive, but most can be found in one of the following categories;
- Premium proteins
- Energy ingredients
- Pre/probiotics
- Enzymes
With its strategic location in the upper Midwest and access to various domestic markets, XFE Products is equipped to serve the swine, poultry and dairy industries nationwide. Additionally, through access to significant foreign markets, XFE Products has the capability to export to several countries.